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Please contact us if you would like to purchase any of the images or discuss copyright royalties. Many of the Wildlife in Captivity images are copyright of the particular business operator. We can negotiate usage terms on your behalf with them.


Address: Unit 7, 20 Duerdin Street, Clayton, Victoria, 3168. Australia.

Mobile: +614 1830 0809

20 Duerdin Street
Clayton, VIC, 3168

614 1830 0809

My Nature Photography includes wildlife (both in the wild and in captivity) and landscape photography. I am  based in Melbourne, Australia.


January 2017 from London Wildlife Centre

David Godfrey

The photos in my Latest Shots gallery are taken at the London Wildlife Centre, a conservation facility. Some of the birds photographed are held in captivity while others are native to London. The centre attracts many birdwatchers to the wild areas of the centre. Families also spend time out there with their children.

The park offers a relaxing and peaceful respite from city life.

October 30, 2016

David Godfrey

Back on October 12, 2016 I wrote that I was intending to photograph the addition of the next generation of Ibis.  Everything was going well for the first week or so, then the reeds between me and the nesting Ibis have grown to such a large extent that they have obscured the excellent vantage point I had to photograph the new life.

So I have moved to other areas of the park and photographed other birdlife in the cycle of life. See my latest shots.


David Godfrey

I have been observing 3 nests of ibis in my local park.  Hatching time is typically 21 days. By my observations the third week is about to end, so I am hoping to be able to photograph hatchlings shortly.

In my Latest Shots gallery are a couple of new juveniles in the park. Spring time is the regeneration of life and great to witness nature at its' best.